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  • Martyrdom of Imam al-Kadhim (as)
  • We congratulate you on the birth occasion of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A)
  • How to live an Islamic lifestyle (part 6)
  • Islamic Lifestyle (5)
  • How to live an Islamic lifestyle (4)
  • How to live an Islamic lifestyle (3)
  • birth celebration of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his grandson Imam al-Sadiq (A)
  • How to live an Islamic Lifestyle (2)
  • How to live an Islamic lifestyle (1) ?
  • The Office of Syed Adil alawy sends its condolences in the Martyrdom of the father of the awaited one Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) by holding a majlis in his honor and the blessings of all humanity from the holy city of Qom.
  • This worldly life is like a market
  • We send our condolences to the awaited Imam al-Mahdi (A) in the martyrdom of his father Imam Hassan al-Askari (A)
  • Why did the holy Quran descend in the Arabic language?
  • Holy Quran: “He brings them out from darkness’s into the light. “ (2:257)
  • How can we meet Imam Mahdi (A)
  • Imam Hassan (A) says: this Quran has lamps of light, meaning that your life that you live in ignorance with what do you enlighten this ignorance?القرآن فيه مصابيح من نور
  • May peace and blessings be upon you all in the demise of the holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the martyrdom of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (A) and Imam Reza (A) , the holy prophet said :
  • The importance of walking for the ziyarat of Imam Hussain (A) during the days of Arbaeen
  • Condolences may Allah (SWT) reward you for your efforts in commemoration of the death anniversary of Imam Hassan son of Ali (A) he said:
  • The secret of Eternity The 1442 Muharram program
  • Gifts and Masterpiece1

    Gifts and Masterpiece1
    In the Name of God the Merciful the Compassionate

    All praises due to Allah and pray and peace to the noblest creature Muhammad and his household specially the Imam of age May god hasten his reappearance and make it easy.

    To everyone in Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, twitter alawy net and other social networks and our all readers our salutation to you all, we are telling you that our first Facebook administrator is in Iraq now that’s why our communication and interaction in the domain of science and culture is not moving forward well, That’s why I have done a istihara -asking God what to do- thank god it was good that to create news subject with friends about the Good actions such as prays zikr and specific hatms which I have experienced  them in my life, I learn them from my teachers. they are In the book zubdatoul Asrar feel ulumi al ghariba it is not yet printed because of self-reason. They are for solving problems like extending sustains, debt paying, strong memory, enemy predominate, predicate of sorrow and threat, prevent evil confusion, even also preventing child crying too much. This work, I have done it in my youth era this is a special gift which I reserved for the friends by all humbleness in the shake of God

    Reciting Basmala in every case
    Whoever has any kind of need he can be in solitary performing two rak’as in by intention of being near to God, by the intention of solving needy he recites in every rak’a 19 times of (Bismillahi rahmani Rahim) he recites 19 times the chapter of hamd then chapter of tawhiid(hul huwa allahu ahad) one time, after the pray is finished he says pray to prophet Muhammad 10 times then says Basmala(Bismillahi rahmani Rahim) 786 times in one place no more no less, because the number in azkar like soul or teeth of keys if it is more or less it will not open the door, after the Basmala786 times he says prays to prophet and his household 130 times then say this pray (BISMALLAHI RAHMANI RAHIM ALLAHUMMA INNI AS ALUKA BI ISMIKA ARRAHAMANI ARRAHIMI ALLAZI LA ILAH ILLA HUWA ALHAYYU AL QUAYYUM LA TAHUZUHU SINNATUN WALA NAWMUN ALLAZI MALA AT AZAMATUHU ASSAMAWATI WAL ARD, WA AS ALUKA BI ISMIKA BISMILLAHI RAHMANI RAHIM ALLAZI LA ILAHA ILLA HUWA HASHA AT LAHU AL ABSAR WA WAJALAT LAHU AL HULUB MIN HASHYTI HI AN TU SALLI ALA MUHAMMAD WA ALI HI AN TUTIYANI HAJATI)

    Then you ask your need it will be solved God willing