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  • Martyrdom of Imam al-Kadhim (as)
  • We congratulate you on the birth occasion of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A)
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  • How to live an Islamic lifestyle (4)
  • How to live an Islamic lifestyle (3)
  • birth celebration of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his grandson Imam al-Sadiq (A)
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  • How to live an Islamic lifestyle (1) ?
  • The Office of Syed Adil alawy sends its condolences in the Martyrdom of the father of the awaited one Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) by holding a majlis in his honor and the blessings of all humanity from the holy city of Qom.
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  • Birthday Anniversary of Jawad (P B U H)

    Poem on the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Jawad (P B U H)

    Here we present you an interesting poem on Imam Mohammad at-Taqi al-Jawad (A.S) composed by Dr. Hassan Najafi:
    Where will you rest, mad poet, at last
    In his love the weary length of life past,
    O Peace of mind! We are your love’s guest
    The only softest soother of the breast,
    Your door alone in our bowl can pour
    Dispense your balmy store.
    In your love the earth diminishes to our eyes
    And stoop down the lofty heights of the skies.
    As darker grows the night
    Your love’s gleaming light
    Emits a brighter ray
    Adorns and cheers our way.
    When in magnanimity stretches your hand
    No one lurks in a sullen gloom over the land.
    Bows down with chains to you the mankind
    To gain every good in you consigned.
    Hasten to pleasure
    The earth presents its brightest treasure.
    Today is the birth of the Ninth Imam
    Stoops down the heaven with all its balm,
    You, Reza’s Son and Successor,
    And of wisdom’s Possessor,
    At tender age you displayed prophetic knowledge,
    Like Jesus and John the Baptist you the Sage of your age,
    Silver-bearded scholars in your presence smattered
    Astounded at the bezels of wisdom you scattered
    If not for the Ahl al-Bayt, only rocks and sands are found
    And sickly winds forever howl around.

    Source: Iran English Radio taken from sibtayn