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Martyrdom of Imam al-Kadhim (as) We congratulate you on the birth occasion of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) How to live an Islamic lifestyle (part 6) Islamic Lifestyle (5) How to live an Islamic lifestyle (4) How to live an Islamic lifestyle (3) birth celebration of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his grandson Imam al-Sadiq (A) How to live an Islamic Lifestyle (2) How to live an Islamic lifestyle (1) ? The Office of Syed Adil alawy sends its condolences in the Martyrdom of the father of the awaited one Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) by holding a majlis in his honor and the blessings of all humanity from the holy city of Qom. This worldly life is like a market We send our condolences to the awaited Imam al-Mahdi (A) in the martyrdom of his father Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) Why did the holy Quran descend in the Arabic language? Holy Quran: “He brings them out from darkness’s into the light. “ (2:257) How can we meet Imam Mahdi (A) Imam Hassan (A) says: this Quran has lamps of light, meaning that your life that you live in ignorance with what do you enlighten this ignorance?القرآن فيه مصابيح من نور May peace and blessings be upon you all in the demise of the holy prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the martyrdom of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba (A) and Imam Reza (A) , the holy prophet said : The importance of walking for the ziyarat of Imam Hussain (A) during the days of Arbaeen Condolences may Allah (SWT) reward you for your efforts in commemoration of the death anniversary of Imam Hassan son of Ali (A) he said: The secret of Eternity The 1442 Muharram program
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- Different news » Martyrdom of Imam al-Kadhim (as)
- Different news » We congratulate you on the birth occasion of Imam Hassan al-Askari (A)
- Different news » How to live an Islamic lifestyle (part 6)
- Different news » Islamic Lifestyle (5)
- Different news » How to live an Islamic lifestyle (4)
- Different news » How to live an Islamic lifestyle (3)
- Different news » birth celebration of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his grandson Imam al-Sadiq (A)
- Different news » How to live an Islamic Lifestyle (2)
- Different news » How to live an Islamic lifestyle (1) ?
- Different news » The Office of Syed Adil alawy sends its condolences in the Martyrdom of the father of the awaited one Imam Hassan al-Askari (A) by holding a majlis in his honor and the blessings of all humanity from the holy city of Qom.
- Different news » This worldly life is like a market
- Different news » We send our condolences to the awaited Imam al-Mahdi (A) in the martyrdom of his father Imam Hassan al-Askari (A)
- Lecture » Why did the holy Quran descend in the Arabic language?
- Different news » Holy Quran: “He brings them out from darkness’s into the light. “ (2:257)
- Different news » How can we meet Imam Mahdi (A)
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- Different news » Greetings on Eid al-Ghadeer
- Different news » The martyrdom of Sheikh Namir Baquir Anamir
- Different news » The secret of Eternity The 1442 Muharram program
- Different news » Birth of Imam Mahdi (A) the savior of mankind
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- Different news » Why the most of narrators of the hadith were from kufa
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- Different news » We congratulate you for the birth of Imam Musa son of Jaafar al-Kadhim (A)
- Different news » The fourth day of Sha’aban 1437 H
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- Ceremony » Martyrdom of Seyidat SAKINA (SA)
- Occasion » Congratulations ! On the Birth Anniversary of Lady Fatima (s.a.)
- Occasion » Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn Birthday
- Different news » The eminent Ayatollah Seyid Adel Alawy denouncement against the sheikh Namir Baqir Al namre Execution
- Different news » Holy Quran: “He brings them out from darkness’s into the light. “ (2:257)
- Occasion » Martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (SA) [Poem]
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- Occasion » Birthday Anniversary of Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (AS)
- Occasion » Lady Fatima Zahra (S.A.) on The Last Day
- Occasion » Birthday Anniversary of Jawad (P B U H)
- Occasion » Martyrdom Anniversary of Imam Hasan (A.S)
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- Different news » The Monthly kazimeiny newspaper number 204/205 of rajab and Shaban 1437H / 2016 has been published
- Occasion » Secret from the secrets of Fatima Zahra by: Ayatollah Sayid Adel al alawy (may god keep him in safe)
A Brief Look into the Life of Imam Hasan (AS)
A Brief Look into the Life of Imam Hasan (AS)
(This is) an account of the Imam after the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, the date of his birth, the evidence for his Imamates the period of his succession, the time of his death, and the place of his grave. (It also provides) a brief outline of the reports about him.
The Imam after the Commander of the faithful,
peace be on him, was his son al-Hasan, the son of the mistress of the women of
the worlds, Fatima, daughter of Muhammad, the Lord of messengers, may God bless
him and his pure family. (Al-Hasan's) nickname was Abu Muhammad. He was born in Medina, on the night of the
middle day of the month of Ramadan, three years after the hijra (624).
His mother, Fatima, peace be on her, brought him to the Prophet, may God bless
him and his family, on the seventh day in a silken shawl from Heaven, which
Gabriel had brought down to the Prophet, may God bless him and his family. He
named him Hasan and sacrificed a ram for him in the ceremony of baptism.
[It is reported by a group (of authorities), including Ahmad b. Salih.
al-Tamimi on the authority of Abd Allah b. Isa, on the authority of Jafar
al-Sadiq b. Muhammad, peace be on him;]
Al-Hasan, peace be on him, was the most similar person to the Apostle of God, May
God bless him and his family, in form, manner and nobility.
[It is reported by a group (of authorities), including Ma'mar, on the authority
of al-Zuhri, on the authority of Anas b. Malik, who said:]
No one was more like the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, than
al-Hasan b. Ali, peace be on them.
[Ibrahim b. Ali al-Rafi'i reported on the authority of his father, on the
authority of his grandmother Zaynab, daughter of Abu Rafi' - and Shabib b. Abi
Rafi' al-Rafi'i on the authority of those who told him - she said:]
Fatima, peace be on her, brought her two sons, al-Hasan and al- Husayn, peace
be on them, to the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, at the
time when he was suffering from the sickness from which he died.
"Apostle of God," she said, "these are your two (grand) sons.
Give them something as an inheritance."
"As for al-Hasan," he replied, "he has my form and my nobility.
As for al-Husayn, he has my generosity and my bravery."
Al-Hasan b. Ali, peace be on him, was the testamentary trustee (wasi) of the
Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, over his family, his children and
his followers. He bequeathed him to look after his position and (the position
of) his taxes (sadaqat) and he wrote him a covenant (of succession) which is
well-known. His testamentary trusteeship is obvious in terms of the outlines of
religion, the essential characteristic of wisdom and good-breeding.
A great number of scholars have reported this trusteeship and many of the men
of understanding have realized the truth of this through his (attitude to) the
Al-Hasan's Succession to the Caliphate and his Abdication
When the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, died, al- Hasan addressed
the people. He reminded them of his right (to authority). The followers of his
father pledged allegiance to him in terms of fighting those he fought and
making peace with those with whom he made peace.
[Abu Mikhnaf Lut b. Yahya al-Azdi reported: Ashath b. Suwar told me on the
authority of Abu Ishaq al-Sabi'i and others, who said;]
Al-Hasan b. Ali, peace be on them, addressed the people towards dawn on the
night in which the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, died. He praised
and glorified God and blessed the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his
family. Then he said:
There has died tonight a man who was the first among the early (Muslims) in
(good) actions. Nor did any later (Muslims) attain his level in (good) actions.
He used to fight alongside the Apostle of God, may Allah bless him and his
family, and protect him with his own life. The Apostle of God, may God bless
him and his family, used to send him forward with his standard while Gabriel
supported him on his right and Michael supported him on his left.
He would not return until God brought victory through his hands. He, peace be
on him, has died on this the night on which Jesus, son of Mary, was taken up
(to Heaven), on which Joshua, son of Nuh, the testamentary trustee (wasi) of
Moses, peace be on him, died. He has left behind him no gold nor silver except
seven hundred dirhams of his stipend (ata'), with which he was intending to buy
a servant for his family.
Then tears overcame him and he wept and the people wept with him.
Then he continued:
I am the grandson of the one who brought the good news. I am the grandson of
the warner. I am the grandson of the man who, with God's permission, summoned people
to God. I am the grandson of the light which shone out to the world.
I am of the House, from whom God has sent away abomination and whom God has
purified thoroughly. I am of the House for whom God has required love in his
Book, when God, the Most High, said: Say: I do not ask you for any reward
except love for (my) kin. Whoever earns good, will increase good for himself [
XXXIII 33 ]. The good is love for us, the House.
Then he sat down.
Abd Allah b. al-Abbas, May God have mercy on him, arose in front of him and
People, this is the son of your Prophet, the testamentary trustee (wasi) of
your Imam. So pledge allegiance to him.
The people answered him saying:
No one is more loved by us nor has anyone more right to succession
They rushed forward to pledge allegiance to him as successor. That was on
Friday on the eleventh of the month of Ramadan in the year 40 A.H. (660). Then
he assigned (the posts of) the tax collectors and he gave instructions to the
governors (of the provinces). He sent Abd Allah b. al-Abbas to Basra. He took
charge of all the matters.
When Mu'awiya b. Abi Sufyan learnt of the death of the Commander of the
faithful, peace be on him, and the people's pledge of allegiance to his son,
al-Hasan, peace be on him, he sent a man secretly to Kufa and a man from Banu
al-Qayn to Basra. They were to write reports to him to undermine affairs for
al-Hasan, peace be on him.
Al-Hasan, peace be on him, learned of that. He ordered the Himyari to be
brought out from among (the tribe) of Lakhm in Kufa. He had him brought out and
executed. (Al-Hasan) wrote to al-Basra, ordering the Qayni to be brought out
from among the Banu Sulaym. He was brought out and executed.
Then al-Hasan, peace be on him, wrote to Muawiya:
You sent men to use deception and to carry out assassinations and you sent out
spies as if you want to meet (in battle). That is something which will soon
happen so wait for it, if God wills. I have learnt that you have become haughty
in a way that no wise man would become haughty. In that you are just as
al-Awwal described:
Say to him who desires the contrary of the one who has died: Prepare for
another like him, as if (from the same) root.
I and the one among us who has died are like the one who goes in the evening so
that (the other) may come in the morning.
Muawiya replied to him with his letter, which there is no need to mention.
There followed between him and al-Hasan, peace be on him, correspondences
messages and disputes regarding the right of al- Hasan, peace be on him, to
authority and the unlawful seizure of power of those who came before his
father, peace be on him, and of Mu'awiya's attempt to strip the nephew of the
Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family, from his authority and of
their (the House's) right to it apart from them. (All these) matters would take
too long to describe.
Muawiya set off towards Iraq. When he reached the bridge of Manbij, al-Hasan,
peace be on him, reacted. He sent Hujr b. Adi to order the leaders of Amman to
set out and to call the people together for war.
They were slow to (answer) him and then they came forward. (Al- Hasan) had a
mixed band of men: some of them belonged to his Shi'a and to his father's: some
of them were members of the Muhakimma (i.e. Kharijites) who were influenced by
(the desire of) fighting Muawiya with every means (possible); some of them were
men who loved discords and were anxious for booty; some of them were doubters;
others were tribal supporters who followed the leaders of their tribes without
reference to religion.
He set off until he came to Hammam Umar, then he went on to Dayr Kab. He
stopped at Sabat, just before the bridge and spent the night there. In the
morning, he, peace be on him, wanted to test his followers and make their
situation clear with regard to obedience to him, so that in that way he might
be able to distinguish his friends from his enemies and be in a clear mind
(about his position) to meet Mu'awiya and the Syrians. He ordered the call to
be made:
The prayer is a general one (which all should attend) (al-salat jamia).
They gathered and he went up on the pulpit and addressed them. He said:
Praise belongs to God whenever a man praises Him. I testify that there is no
god but God whenever a man testifies to Him. I testify that Muhammad is His
servant and His apostle whom He sent with the truth and whom He entrusted with
revelation, may God bless him and his family. By God, I hope that I shall
always be with God's praise and kindness.
I am the sincerest of God's creatures in giving advice to them. I have not
become one who bears malice to any Muslims nor one who wishes evil or
misfortune to him. Indeed what you dislike about unity (jama'a) is better for
you than what you like about division. I see what is better for you better than
you see for yourselves. Therefore do not oppose my commands and do not reject
my judgment. May God forgive both me and you and may He guide me and you to
that in which there is love and satisfaction.
[He reported:]
The people began to look at one another and asked each other, "What do you
think he intends by what he has just said?
"We think that he intends to make peace with Muawiya and hand over the
authority to him" they answered.
"By Gods the man has become an unbelievers they declared and they rushed
towards his tent. They plundered him to the extent that they even took his
prayer mat from under him. Then Abd al- Rahman b. Abd Allah b. Ja'al al-Azdi
set on him and stripped his silk cloak from his shoulder. He remained sitting,
still girt with his sword but without his cloak. He called for his horse and
mounted it. Groups of his close associates and his Shia surrounded him and kept
those who wanted (to attack) him away from him. He said:
Summon (the tribes of) Rabia and Hamdan to me.
They were summoned to him and they surrounded him and defended him, peace be on
him, from the people. A mixed group of others went with him (as well). When he
was passing through the narrow pass of Sabat, a man of Banu Asad called
al-Jarrah b. Sinan caught hold of the reins of his mule. He had an axe in his
hand. He cried:
God is greater (Allaku akbar)! You have become a polytheist, Hasan, just like
your father became a polytheist before.
Then he stabbed him in the thigh. It
penetrated right through to the bone. He seized (al-Hasan) by the neck and they
fell to the ground both. A man from al-Hasan's Shi'a called Abd Allah b. Khatal
al- Tai; pulled the axe away from his hand and struck him with it in the
stomach. Another man called Zubyan b. Umara attacked him, struck him upon the
nose and killed him. Another man who had been with (al-Jarrah) was caught and
Al-Hasan, peace be on him, was carried on a stretcher to al- Mada'in where he
was lodged with Sa'd b. Masud al-Thaqafi. The latter was the governor of (Ali),
the commander of the faithful, peace be on him, there and al-Hasan had
confirmed him in that position.
Al-Hasan, peace be on him, was distracted by his own (discomfort) and with
treating his wound. (In the meantime) a group of the tribal leaders wrote
secretly to Mu'awiya offering to accept his authority (lit. to listen and
obey). They urged him to come to them and they guaranteed to hand over
al-Hasan, peace be on him, when they got to his camp, or to kill him
Al-Hasan, peace be on him, learnt of that when a letter came to him from Qays
b. Sa'd, may God be pleased with him. He had sent Qays with Ubayd Allah b.
Abbas (to go on ahead) when he had set out from Kufa to meet Muawiya and to
drive him out of Iraq, and make himself a commander of a unified people
(jama'a). He had said to Ubayd Allah:
If you are struck down, then the commander will be Qays b. Sad.
Qays b. Sad's letter arrived informing him that they had stopped Muawiya at a
village called al-Habubiyya opposite Maskan. Then Muawiya had sent to Ubayd
Allah b. Abbas, urging him to come to him and offering him a million dirhams,
half of which he would give him immediately, and the other half on his entry
into Kufa. Ubayd Allah had slipped away in the night with his close associates
to (join) Muawiya's camp. In the morning the people found their leader missing.
Qays b. Sa'd, may God be pleased with him, said the prayer with them and took
charge of their affairs.
Al-Hasan's awareness of the people's desertion of him increased, (as did his
awareness) of the corrupt intention of the Muhakkima (the Kharijites) against
him, which they made obvious by cursing him, accusing him of disbelief, and
declaring that it was lawful to shed his blood and plunder his property. There
remained no one to protect him from his unfortunate predicament except the
close associates from his father's Shia and his own Shia, and they were a group
which could not resist the Syrian soldiers.
Muawiya wrote to him about a truce and peace treaty. He also sent him the
letters of his followers in which they had guaranteed to kill him treacherously
or to hand him over. He offered him as many conditions as he wanted, to answer
his (call) for peace and he gave his (sworn) covenant by whose fulfilment
everybody's interests would be served.
Al-Hasan, peace be on him, did not trust him. He was aware of his deception and
his attempts at assassination. However he could find no escape from assenting
to his demands to abandon the war and bring about a truce because of the
weakness of his followers' understanding of his right, their corrupt attitude
towards him and their opposition to him. (In addition, he was aware) of the
view of many of them in declaring it lawful to shed his blood and to hand him
over to his rival. (He also knew) of his cousin's desertion (of him) and his
joining his enemy, as well as the inclination of the people towards the
immediate present and their reluctance (to show concern) for the future.
Therefore he, peace be on him, bound himself (in a treaty) with Muawiya as a result
of the confirmation of the proof (of his situation) and with the excuses before
God, the Most High, and all the Muslims, of what had taken place among them. He
That the cursing of the Commander of the faithful, peace be on him, should be
abandoned and the practice of using the personal prayer (qunut) in the formal
prayer (salat) (as prayer) against him should be set aside;
That his Shia, may God be pleased with them, should be given security and that
none of them should be exposed to any evil; That each of them who had certain
rights should attain those rights.
Muawiya accepted all that and made a treaty with him to observe that. He swore
to him that he would fulfil it. When the truce had been concluded, Muawiya went
on until he reached al-Nukhayla. That was on a Friday; he prayed the
mid-morning prayer (duha al nahar) with the people, and he addressed them. In
his address, he said
By God, I have not fought against you to make you pray, nor to fast, nor to
make the pilgrimage, nor to pay zakat. Indeed you do that (already). I fought
so that I might have power over you and God has given that to me when you were
reluctant to (obey) Him. Indeed I have been requested by al-Hasan, peace be on
him, (to give him) things and I have given things to him. All of them are now
under my foot. And from now on I will not fulfil anything.
Then he went on until he entered Kufa. He resided there for several days. When
the pledge of allegiance by its inhabitants had to be carried out, he went up
on the pulpit and addressed the people. He mentioned the commander of the
faithful, peace be on him, and that he had taken from him and from al-Hasan,
peace be on him, what he had taken.
Al-Hasan and al-Husayn, peace be on them, were present. Al- Husayn, peace be on
him, rose to reply but al-Hasan, peace be on him, took him by the hand and made
him sit down. Then he, himself, (al-Hasan) arose and spoke:
O you who mention Ali, I am al-Hasan and Ali was my father. You are Muawiya and
your father was Sakhr (Abu Sufyan). My mother was Fatima and your mother was
Hind. My grandfather was the Apostle of God and your grandfather was Harb. My
grandmother was Khadija and your grandmother was Futayla. May God curse him who
tries to reduce our reputation and to diminish our nobility, who does evil
against our antiquity and yet who has been ahead of us in unbelief and
Groups of the people in the mosque shouted out: "Amen, Amen"
When the peace between al-Hasan, peace be on him, and Muawiya was concluded in
the way we have mentioned, al-Hasan, peace be on him, left for Medina. He
resided there, restraining his anger, staying close to his house, and awaiting
the command of his Lord, the Mighty and High, until Muawiya had completed ten
years of his administration.
(Then) the latter decided to have the pledge of allegiance given to his son,
Yazid, (as his successor). He communicated secretly with Ju'da, daughter of
al-Ash'ath b. Qays- she was the wife of al-Hasan, peace be on him - to urge her
to poison him. He gave an undertaking to her that he would marry her to his
son, Yazid, and he sent her a hundred thousand dirhams. Juda gave him the
poison to drink but he lingered on sick for forty days.
He passed along his (final) road in the month of Safar in the year 50 A. H.
(670). At that time, he was forty-eight years of age. His succession (to the
Imamate) had been for ten years. His brother and testamentary trustee (wasp),
al-Husayn, peace be on him, undertook the washing and shrouding of his body,
and buried him with his grandmother, Fatima, daughter of Asad b. Hashim b. Abd
Manaf, may God be pleased with her, in (the cemetery) of al Baqi.
Reports of the Cause of the Death of al-Hasan, Peace be on him, and of Mu'awiya
Poisoning him, the Story of his Burial and the Actions and Statements concerning
[Isa b. Mihran reported: Ubayd Allah b. al-Sabb'ah told us: Jarir told us on
the authority of Mughira, who said:]
Muawiya sent to Juda daughter of al-Ashath b. Qays:
I will arrange for you to marry my son, Yazid, on condition that you poison
He also, sent her a hundred thousand dirhams.
She did that: she poisoned al-Hasan, peace be on him. (Mu'awiya) gave her the
money but did not marry her to Yazid. Instead he gave her a man from the family
of Talha as a substitute. The latter gave her children. Whenever any argument
occurred between them and the clans of Quraysh, they would revile them
Sons of a woman who poisons her husbands.
[Isa b. Mihran reported: 'Uthman b. Umar told me Ibn Awn told us on the
authority ot 'Umar b. lshaq, who said.]
I was with al-Hasan and al-Husayn, peace be on them, in the house. Al-Hasan,
peace be on him, came in from outside and then went out again. He said:
I have been given poison to drink several times but I have never been given
poison like this. A bit of my liver has come out of my mouth and I began to
turn it over with a stick I had.
Who gave you the poison to drink, al-Husayn, peace be on him, asked him, and
what do you want for him? Do you want him killed? If he may remain as he is,
then God will be more terrible in His vengeance than you. It he may not remain
as he is, then I should like to be free of any blame.
[ Abd Allah b. Ibrahim reported on the authority of Ziyad al- Makhariqi, who
When death was close to al-Hasan, peace he on him, he summoned al-Husayn, peace
be on him, and said.
My brother, I am leaving you and joining my Lord. I have been given poison to
drink and have spewed my liver into a basin. I am aware of the person who poisoned
me and from where I have been made a subject to this deceitful action. I will
oppose him before God, the Mighty and High. Therefore by the right I have with
regard to you, say nothing about that and wait for what God, the Mighty and
High, will decide concerning me.
When I have died, shut my eyes, wash me and shroud me. Then carry me on my bier
to the grave of my grandfather, the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his
family, so that I may renew my covenant with him. After that take me to the
grave of my grandmother, Fatima daughter of Asad, may God be pleased with her,
and bury me ther. My brother, the people will think that you intend to bury me
with the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family.
For that reason, they will gather to prevent you from doing it. I swear by God
that you should not shed even your blood into the cupping-glass in (carrying
out) my command.
Then he made his testamentary bequests to his family and his children. (He gave
him) his heirlooms and the things which the Commander of the faithful, peace be
on him, had bequeathed to him when he had made him his successor, had declared
him worthy to occupy his position, and had indicated to his Shia that he was
his successor, and set him up as their sign-post after himself.
When he passed on his (final) journey, al-Husayn, peace be on him, washed and
shrouded his (body). Then he carried him on his bier. Marwan and those of the
Banu Umayya who were with him had no doubt that they would try to bury him
beside the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. They gathered
together and armed themselves.
When al-Husayn, peace be on him, approached the tomb of the Apostle of God, may
God bless him and his family, with (the body of al-Hasan) so that he might
renew his covenant with him, they came towards them with their group. 'A'isha
had joined them on a mule and she was saying:
What is there between you and me that you should allow someone I don't want to,
to enter my house?
Marwan began to recite:
O Lord, battle is better than ease.
(Then he went on :)
should Uthman be buried in the outskirts of Medina and al-Hasan be buried
alongside the Prophet, may God bless him and his family? That will never be
while I carry a sword.
Discord was about to occur between the Banu Umayya and the Banu Hashim. Ibn
'Abbas hurried to Marwan and said to him;
Go back to where you came from, Marwan. Indeed we do not intend to bury our
companion with the Apostle of God, may God bless him and his family. But we
want him to be able to renew his covenant with him by visiting him. Then we
will take him back to his grandmother, Fatima, and bury him alongside her
according to his last instructions concerning that.
If he had enjoined that he should be buried alongside the Prophet, may God bless
him and his family, you know that you would be the least able to deter us from
that. However, he, peace be on him, was much too aware of God and His Apostle
and the sacredness of his tomb to bring bloodshed to it as others have done
(who) have entered it without his permission.
Then he went to A'isha and said to her:
What mischief you bring about, one day on a mule and one day on a camel! Do you
want to extinguish the light of God and fight the friends (awliya') of God? Go Back!
You have been given assurance against what you fear and have learned what you
wanted (to know). By God, victory will come to this House, even if it is after
some time.
Al-Husayn, peace be on him, said:
By God, if there had been no injunction to me from al-Hasan, peace be on him,
to prevent bloodshed and that I should not even pour blood into a cupping-glass
in (carrying out) his command, you would have known how the swords of God would
have taken their toll from you, you have broken the agreement which was made
between you and us, you have ignored the conditions which we made with him for
Then they went on with (the body of) al-Hasan, peace be on him, and they buried
him in (the cemetery of) al-Baqi' beside his grandmother, Fatima daughter of
Asad b. Hashim b. 'Abd Manaf, May God be pleased with her.
Complete ref:
Kitab al Irshad (The Book of Guidance)
Pages 279 - 289
By Sheikh al Mufid
Translated by I.K.A Howard
Published by Tahrike Tarsile Quran
Paper back, I.S.B.N 0-940368-11-0
source sitayn