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How to live an Islamic Lifestyle (2)
I was born in Detroit, Michigan on April 30, 1985 in henry Ford hospital. I began working at the age of 9 years old going from house to house cutting grass for $10 dollars a yard. At the age of 9 my family moved from Battle Creek to Dearborn, Michigan in the USA. I remember at that age I bought a summer pool tag for $20 . The pool was not so far from my house I would go swimming every day and that would be my routine for the whole summer. I also had the habit of playing basketball either in my backyard or I would play with others at William Ford Elementary where I attended from the 4th grade till 5th grade studies. I was very good in the subjects of mathematics, in which we would have multiplication competitions and I was always one of the few standing till the end.
As a young man I was always interested in sports, competitions, recess time, spelling and mathematics. I enjoyed the early breakfasts hosted by our elementary schools and the library time that we had as a class. One thing that I could never assimilate into was the idea of having a girl friend . That kind of relationship was never brought up as a norm in our Muslim household. I remember having conversations with my female classmates however there was never a time when I invited a female back to my house during my childhood. It’s not like my parents told me you’re not allowed to bring back girls to the house it’s just that thought never crossed my mind.
In other words when anyone wants to learn how to live an Islamic lifestyle of course they are not alone in this world. What I would like to say is that the environment sometimes shapes the person more than it is what he learns in school. There are different scenarios. For example one may come from a very religious family however that person may not turn out to be a religious person. Also, the same is when a person comes from a non-religious family they may turn out to be religious. There is no thumbprint as to what the outcome of a person who grows up or is raised in a certain household that they will become a certain way.
In conclusion, during my childhood I was enjoying the simple aspects of life in a fun way. I would also develop the hobby of roller skating, skate boarding , fishing, camping, hockey, soccer, football, tennis, table tennis , basketball, and other sports to name a few. Since my early years of childhood I enjoyed it and was very active in living an Islamic lifestyle without even knowing it and it was because of the love of my mother who was there for me every step of the way, and it was her prayers that made it possible for me to reach the holy city of Qom to pursue my dreams in completing my higher studies into the religion of Islam.
For this reason the Prophet of Islam Muhammad (PBUH) said:
الجنة تحت اقدام الامهات
"Heaven lies beneath the feet of mothers".
The holy Quran confirms this holy tradition:
"And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve any but Him and goodness to your parents."[1]
The morale of this article is to always appreciate the love of your mother since you were a child till your adulthood, more than your father since she carried you in her stomach for 9 months and protected you with her life until you became independent. Therefore when we become independent we should never forget our parents and be there for them as they were there for us and pray that they may receive all the rewards and blessings from Allah (SWT) that they deserve , and grant the a lofty position in the highest heavens.
Written by : Mohamed alnajjar