Biography ◄
- His name and lineage
- His Birth
- His Study
- His Teaching
- His Teachers
- His students
- His books
- Permissions of novel
- Ayatollah seyid Shehab Aldin Marashy Najafy
- Ayatollah Seyid Aljazaree
- Ayatollah seyid Abdallah shierazy
- Ayet allah syed Mahdy ekwan maraashy
- Ayet allah syed Mohammad reda golpaygany
- Ayet allah syed mofty alshiea
- Ayet allah syed Mohammad shahrody
- Ayet allah syed mahmood mosawy dehsorky
- Ayet allah mohammad ali iraqi. Araqy
- Ayet allah mohammad fadil lenkerany
- Ayet allah naser mekarem sherazy
- Ayet allah syed Mohammad Hasan langerody
- Permissions of ijtihad
- The Endorsements of marajea
- The dear father:ayet allah syed ali al alawy
- Ayet allah mohammad taky setode
- Ayet allah mohammad fadil lenkerany
- Ayet allah syed Mohammad reda golpaygany
- Ayet allah syed Shehab aldin marashy najafy
- Ayet allah syed abo alkasim koee
- Ayet allah syed mohammad mofty alshiea
- Ayet allah Sheikh naser mekarem sherazy
- Ayet allah mohammad taky bahjat
- Ayet allah sheikh hussain mezahiry
- Ayet allah mohammad hasan mortazawy langerody
- Professor hussain ali al mahfoz
- Ayet allah mohammad ebn mahdy alhussainy al sherazy
- Ayet allah mohammad ebn ali razy
- Ayet allah syed Aljezaree
- Ayet allah syed abdallah shierazy
- Ayet allah syed Mahdy ekwan maraashy
- Ayet allah syed Mohammad shahrody
- Ayet allah syed mahmood mosawy dehsorky
- Ayet allah mohammad ali iraqi. Araqy
- His family
- Thanks and apology
Cultural activities and social projects
Imam sadikh research Office and Library
library for the researchers by the supervision of seyid Adel Alawy under the
control of the international institute for propaganda and guidance it has almost
fifty thousand books most of them are source of knowledge and arts