b What to do if someone makes a sin and before that has made a pact of not making sin again then makes sin again?
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What to do if someone makes a sin and before that has made a pact of not making sin again then makes sin again?

What he has to do if someone makes a sin and before that has made a pact of not making sin again then makes sin again?
Dear seyid some youth are asking about a wird which is useful of cover sins and also can help for repentance?

In the name of Omni power the Merciful the compassionate

Say much more (ya ghaffar Azunub and ya sattara alghuyub) at least every day one hundreds time is better to say it in prostrating during forty days or until one year or even until the last  day of your life.

If someone makes a sin he has to repent soon because repentance have to be quick    

Date: [2016/5/31]     Seen: [1986]

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