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Does the angel Gabriel descend on the Ahlulbayt (A) after the demise of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and what is the proof or the text?

The angel Gabriel may peace and blessings be upon him, used to descend upon Hazrat Syeda Fatima (A) and keep her company during the time period of the demise of her father and also used to notify lady Fatima (A) ... View Answer

secrets of Hazrat Fatima al-Masoumeh (A)

Hazrat Fatima al-Masoumeh (A) ... View Answer

Is it right to ask for solving problems and needs from our last Imam the leader of time (peace be up him) by sending letter through sea?

Is it right to ask for solving problems and needs from our last Imam the leader of time (peace be up him) by sending letter through sea? if so what is the appropriate way? Peace is up on you and his blessings. ... View Answer

What is the correct approach to reading and understanding hadith books (holy books of tradition)?

Peace be upon you , your eminence

we are thirsty for knowledge , however when we read books such as bihar al-anwar we get confused because this book is reserved for specialists . Should we avoid these books and leave it to the experts or should we continue reading them and ask the specialists if we get confused?
... View Answer

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