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Is there any prayer or supplication that can make me forget my sins?

Salamu alaiikum
Is there any prayer or supplication that can make me forget the sins which I committed, note that I have repented and asked God to forgive me, but I cannot forget this sin because there is someone with me who always reminds me about it and I cannot avoid him .
So is there a way to do this, because I even went to a psychologist but I couldn’t forget.

In the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful

It is from the excellence of man not to forget the sins he committed it is reported in some hadiths that the excellence of a true believer it that he remembers the sins he committed so that he will repent and seek forgiveness, and call the person who did what I did to guidance, and repentance and seek forgiveness every day until your death and Allah is merciful.

Date: [2016/9/29]     Seen: [2249]

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