b I suffer from a very loud voice can you please guide me in this regard?
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I suffer from a very loud voice can you please guide me in this regard?

Write this holy verse on your house room and the place where you work:

واغضض من صوتك إن أنكر الأصوات لصوت الحمير

And be moderate in your pace and lower your voice; indeed, the most disagreeable of sounds is the voice of donkeys (31:19)

I suffer from a very loud voice

Peace be upon you,

I suffer from a very loud voice, whenever I begin any conversation even if I am not in a state of anger my voice becomes loud as if I am yelling and if I continue with my conversation it turns into an angry conversation. I would like for you to guide me in this regard, thanks.

In the name of Allah the most compassionate the most merciful

Write this holy verse on your house room and the place where you work:

واغضض من صوتك إن أنكر الأصوات لصوت الحمير

And be moderate in your pace and lower your voice; indeed, the most disagreeable of sounds is the voice of donkeys (31:19)

Therefore would you love to become a donkey that is holding books or like a dog if you attend to him he will gasp and if you leave him he will gasp. Think a lot in regards to this holy verse, and apply what you can from advice, lower your voice, my friend don’t be a donkey with your family, with your friends, your work, and with your society.

Is this possible while Allah has altogether created you a human being

Holy Quran:

وَنَفْسٍ وَمَا سَوَّاهَا

And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it (91:07)

Allah (SWT) is the one who created you, and proportioned you, and honored you with an intellect, and thinking, therefore know yourself first, secondly be a human being, and act within the manners of the holy Quran, thirdly try to create a punishment for yourself if you happen to hire your voice again, for example such a punishment; fasting for one day or to pray two ruk’ats for the sake of Allah (SWT) that he may remove your sins, or to make a vow to Allah (SWT) for example to send one thousand tomans or dirhams to Adil alawy just like my teacher of (Akhlaq) did with me jokingly he had with some of his friends, and this was before 40 years, until he reached 12 dirhams until I found myself that I have left this act, Allah (SWT) is the most helpful, and I hope that you can decipher between the human being that has manners and the one who is able to lower his voice in comparison to the shrieking of a donkey, with my apologies.


Date: [2020/10/24]     Seen: [692]

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