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There has been a need that has not been fulfilled for more than 10 years. I think that the reason that it has not been fulfilled is because I did not request it in the correct way.
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There has been a need that has not been fulfilled for more than 10 years. I think that the reason that it has not been fulfilled is because I did not request it in the correct way.

I wish that we could increase our knowledge of the Tawheed (concept of one God) of Allah (SWT) and sincerity on the level of his general mercy and compassion, and knowledge, with what it is, and what was…

I have a need that has not been fulfilled for more than 10 years

 Peace be upon you,

Question : 

There has been a need that has not been fulfilled for more than 10 years. I think that the reason that it has not been fulfilled is because I did not request it in the correct way.  I had a lot of sins and I believe that I have been guided and shown the right path from Allah (SWT). Then I went along to find a way to act in a way that would fulfill this need. Therefore, I began with actions such as special supplications, and the (tawassul) appealing earnestly to the holy infallibles, and I continued asking in this way for over 4 months, and I became tired performing all those actions, and I don’t know if this need will become fulfilled by the increasing number of actions or is it with patience?


 In the name of Allah the most compassionate the Merciful

I wish that we could increase our knowledge of the Tawheed (concept of one God) of Allah (SWT) and sincerity on the level of his general mercy and compassion, and knowledge, with what it is, and what was…

 In the daily supplication of Imam Mahdi (A) during the holy month of Ramadan we recite:

 وَلَعَلَّ ٱلَّذِي ابْطَا عَنِّي هُوَ خَيْرٌ لِي

Although perhaps slowing down may be a blessing in disguise,

  لِعِلْمِكَ بِعَاقِبَةِ ٱلامُورِ

  Because you alone know the consequences of all matters.

It is so remarkable for a believer in Allah (SWT) to be humble in this world and to give way to the command of Allah (SWT) and to be content with the decision of Allah (SWT) and to submit all of his needs for he is merciful towards me from any other being including my own mother and father, and he is all knowing about my situation in all things including myself, my money, and my future, and who has the power to do anything. Moreover what is the need to be in a state of hopelessness and fear? Even though begging Allah (SWT) in asking for your need is an action that is liked by Allah (SWT), however am I begging because Allah loves it or is it because I am begging him for my own selfish desires?

 اللّهم إرزقني حبّك وحب من يحبك وحبّ كل عمل يوصلني إلى قربك

Oh Allah grant me your love, and the love of the one who loves you, and every action that will help me reach you

Therefore begging the absolute one who deserves to be begged will help one reach the highest stages of contempt, submission, and reliance , helping the person reach Allah (SWT) and what would guarantee the happiness of Allah (SWT) , therefore one should continue with his actions of begging to Allah (SWT) for Allah (SWT) loves the one who begs to him for his needs , and even though Allah (SWT) does not answer the need he should continue to beg for his needs, indeed this action of begging comes from the door of the lovers who are yearning to make Allah (SWT) happy .

The goal should be that I am communicating with Allah (SWT) with the language of love and yearning through supplications. On the Day of Judgment Allah (SWT) will reward you and will raise you and grant you the highest of stations in the heavens, also try to increase your insight in the oness (tawheed) of Allah (SWT) so that you may better understand the wisdom of Allah (SWT). On that Day of Judgment you will wish that Allah (SWT) did not grant you anything that you asked for in return for the rewards of the afterlife, and Allah (SWT) is most helpful towards his believer. 

Translated by : Mohamed alnajjar

Date: [2020/10/23]     Seen: [1481]

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