■ Dogmas (18)
■ Ethics
■ Genral questions (34)■ Religion Rules
Fasting (3)
pilgrimage (1)
Marriage (8)
Divorce (2)
One fifth (1)Jihad
Blood money
The foods and drinks (2)Heritage
The family (5)■ History
■ Politic (1)■ Hadith and Narration (4)
■ Principle of jurisprudence (Ussul)
■ Quran sciences
■ Separate questions (33)■ Visitors registration (9)
Latest questions
- Genral questions » Is it true that if a believer does the non-recommended acts he will become a sinner?
- Genral questions » What is meant by the speech of Imam Khomeini? Don’t ask for a high stage whether it is a financial or a materialistic one?
- Genral questions » Is it allowed to ask about the defects of a woman before asking for her hand in marriage?
- Genral questions » I suffer from a very loud voice can you please guide me in this regard?
- Supplications » There has been a need that has not been fulfilled for more than 10 years. I think that the reason that it has not been fulfilled is because I did not request it in the correct way.
- Hadith and Narration » Does the angel Gabriel descend on the Ahlulbayt (A) after the demise of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and what is the proof or the text?
- Jurisprudence » What are the acts that make blessings incumbent ?
- Genral questions » Requesting help from Imam Mahdi (A)
- Genral questions » Is there a narration that will lead us to the martyr?
- Genral questions » I am always having a hard time with my livelihood, is there a special supplication that will help me?
- Jurisprudence » Is there any remembrance for the sake of Allah or any type of action to do so that I may be accepted among the people?
- Jurisprudence » Is the game of domino's prohibited for children?
- Jurisprudence » How to create an Eviornment of Love in the household?
- Genral questions » Special Clergymen
- Jurisprudence » Is it permissible to marry girls that are young in age?
Random Questions
- Jurisprudence » Is the game of domino's prohibited for children?
- Separate questions » Smoking cigarette and hookah
- Self purifying » What are considered the best of actions during the holy month of Ramadan?
- Jurisprudence » I am very shy and want to take part in the religion ceremonies and saying Azan.
- Separate questions » What is the statue of the Prophet Mohammad (P B U H)?
- Separate questions » What is the difference between Account and punishment?
- Genral questions » Is there any prayer or supplication that can make me forget my sins?
- Dogmas » Hadith of Imam Askari peace be up on him (whoever you see in the scholars (Ulema) purified his soul, and safeguard his religion does not follow his desire, obey his lord, the common people have to follow him)
- Separate questions » Faithfulness in action
- Genral questions » Was there a flaw in the apostle Moses tongue
- Hadith and Narration » What is the correct approach to reading and understanding hadith books (holy books of tradition)?
- Jurisprudence » the most knowledgeable between the Maraj'e
- Genral questions » Is it true that if a believer does the non-recommended acts he will become a sinner?
- Hadith and Narration » secrets of Hazrat Fatima al-Masoumeh (A)
- Fasting » Breaking fast before the Azan
The most seen Qustions
- Dogmas » Hadith of Imam Askari peace be up on him (whoever you see in the scholars (Ulema) purified his soul, and safeguard his religion does not follow his desire, obey his lord, the common people have to follow him)
- The family » What if a student is blamed by his parents as a result of his studies occupying his relations with his family and his relations have been cut as a result?
- Genral questions » What is meant by (كونين) the two universe?
- Self purifying » What are the actions that one may perform to prevent him from laziness?
- Dogmas » Is the background and the preparations of the prophet fixed ?Are all human beings the same or is their any superiority between them ?
- Hadith and Narration » Is it right to ask for solving problems and needs from our last Imam the leader of time (peace be up him) by sending letter through sea?
- Supplications » I forget easily and cant memorize things.
- Jurisprudence » Is it permissible to recites surat ikhlas and kafiroon in prostration in (sujud)?
- Dogmas » what is the difference between Sufism and irfan
- Genral questions » Is there any prayer or supplication that can make me forget my sins?
- Separate questions » what Is the proof of the prohibition (haram) of music in Islam ?
- Genral questions » The Prayers of a Traveler
- The foods and drinks » The cheeses which are made in west with rennet microbe
- Genral questions » the plauge by losing a job
- Dogmas » Why did God make us longing to know him at the same time made us incapable of know him?
Peace be upon you, my blessed master,
We hope that you are well and blessed,
In the name of Allah the Most merciful the Most compassionate
My master, it is much often that I long to reach my lord and my Imam al-Mahdi (A), however, I do not know what to do, I all of a sudden feel that my chest has become tight and all I want to do is scream on the top of my lungs, however, what I usually do is keep this feeling to myself and away from my family and the people so I travel to the midst of the dessert or places of nature weeping and wailing longing for my Imam. I pray there and then return back home. Therefore, I ask you humbly to advise me and I hope that this advice will become a solution to my issue.
In the name of Allah the most merciful the most compassionate
The best advice that I can give you is to have sincerity, then sincerity, then more sincerity, and if you become sincere this will save you, while all the people are helpless except the scholars, and all the scholars are helpless except the ones who work, and all the scholars who work are helpless except the sincere, and the sincere are in great danger because the act of showing off is like a small ant on a stone on a dark night, therefore who will be the one who will be able to feel this ant on that dark night, and Allah is the most helpful. There is no will or power except from Allah and we ask Allah that he helps us end with a good ending and that he makes us take the middle ground without being extreme in being loose or tight in our actions.
The questions from this section (Jurisprudence)
- Using loudspeakers outside the mosque
- Participation in the fight of Syria and the varying position between Sayed Sistani and Sayed Khamnei
- Spiritual wayfaring
- Is there any remembrance for the sake of Allah or any type of action to do so that I may be accepted among the people?
- Seeing yellow liquid after Menstruation Bath
- Is it possible to pray obligation pray in the mosque of the prophet (peace be up on him) or around the Mosque but on things that is not allowed to prostrate on?
- Is it allowed in sharia to pray behind someone who is beard shaving without any sharia justification?
- How to create an Eviornment of Love in the household?
- Is it permissible to marry girls that are young in age?
- Is it permissible to recites surat ikhlas and kafiroon in prostration in (sujud)?