b What is the law of Islam about the person who announces that he is the right and his meaning of that is that he is God?
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What is the law of Islam about the person who announces that he is the right and his meaning of that is that he is God?

What is the law of Islam about the person who announces that he is the right and his meaning of that is that he is God? Could we justify that by saying: he is in the level of Erasure (a level in mysticism which means erasing self-existence but the existence of God) or level of awareness (awareness of existence) because of love and Ecstasy? Or justify it by saying he was in the process of narration like someone who is reading the verse of Quran saying (I am God) or like the tree that was calling Moses (indeed I am God)?
What is your point of view about all of this?

In the Name of God the Merciful the compassionate

This is part of the Exaggerations of Sufis do not say that say (I am the servant of God) the prophet is the most glory one but he never says that say: I am poor servant and I seat with the poor I give witness that the prophet Muhammad is his servant and apostle and he is the best idol 

Date: [2015/11/3]     Seen: [1228]

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